Flexibility from IG live 8/4/23

1 year ago

I did a igtv livestream Flexibility Series TWICE on IG on 8/4/23 because IG stopped and deleted the first one because of the background music.
I noticed this only after I completed the series.

I then REPEATED it all again on igtv livestream a Second time!
This time IG did not stop it.
Since I have the first livestream recorded from my backup phone, I have BOTH here, in this video.
The second livestream (on Instagram) is first, beginning at 00:35
The description is below 👇 :

Backbend-kickover to➡️frontlimbers
1:06 , 1:32 , 1:59 , 2:27

Frontlimber sequences at 3:01 , 5:11 , 4:34 , 3:45

Frontlimbers to ankle holds at 5:20 , 4:04 , 4:54 , 3:14

Cyrwheel one-arm holds at 6:00

Bar glides & pullover at 6:39 to 6:53

front-limber to ankle-hold 7:20 to 7:42

Link to this livestream is below ⬇️


The First Flexibility Series igtv livestream (the one that was stopped and deleted by IG)

It begins here at 8:34

It was recorded from my backup phone.

It is almost identical to the one I did right at the beginning of this video. (Which was the second livestream)

I will not give a description since it is almost the same.

And : Thirdly
I did a Igtv Livestream of standing split & and oversplits pulls , scorpion/needle/foottohead using the strap, but then at
18:01 am doing a foot-to- head without strap assist!
It has taken me a long time to work it to this point.
This is probably easy for most flexible people, tho 😉.
The link to this iG livestream is here, below 👇


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