LWs Predict a Mushroom Cloud Above a River in Manhattan and East London on 2023August8-11

1 year ago

The 2nd+3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 causing a pillar of cloud+fire over the Thames near Dartford, London & over the Hudson in Manhattan are now predicted for: 2023Ab20-21 (2023August8-10)
and 2023Ab20-22 (2023August8-11).
+China makes war in 2023Ab (July20-August19)
+Volcano eruptions on AND before 2023August9/10.

This 492nd main prediction results from realising that Elijah asking his attendant/boy to go up look in the direction of the sea must refer to the ark. And his Laodicean attendant/boy goes up into the ark on 2023Tammuz17-22. There is nothing at all in the way of fire signs that the attendant/boy sees during his rapture. So we have a no show declaration on 2023Tammuz23. Then we go back 7x from either 2023Tammuz22, the end of the rapture, or 2023Tammuz23, its no show declaration and get to 2023Tammuz29/30.

Then we add the 21x sentence count of the first part of 1Kings18:44 and get to 2023Ab20/21 - the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18.

This means that both the 2nd and 3rd fire signs essentially happen on 2023Ab21, the 2NC Pentecost of the Tammuz1 secular year. This being the 1st day of WW3. So these signs not only cause WW3, they start it.

https://www.truebiblecode.com/understanding659.html and https://www.truebiblecode.com/understanding271-11.html

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