The Silent Threat ….. The Harmful Effects of Low Stomach Acid

1 year ago

Do you feel overlooked, overworked and underpaid?

It could be your stomach!

You might have been popping antacid tablets without a second thought …

But did you know that these seemingly harmless pills might be doing you more harm than good?

While antacids provide you with temporary relief from pain, burning or acid reflux, they mask the underlying issues that caused the problem.

What most people don’t realise is that long term use of antacids leads to poor nutrient absorption.

The food that you eat can’t be used for cell renewal, because its not digested properly.

Compare a healthy stomach to a small campfire that keeps you warm.

Now, imagine your campfire isn’t going so well.

Perhaps there are just some smouldering embers left.

You wouldn’t dream of putting wet logs on those embers would you?

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