Why Juneteenth Matters: Exploring Its Historical Significance and Relevance | Imani Perry | TMR

1 year ago

Sam and Emma speak to Imani Perry, professor of African-American Studies at Princeton University, author of South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation, to discuss the history and legacy of Juneteenth, as well as the importance of its becoming a federal holiday.

Professor Imani Perry then dives into the background of what Juneteenth is, the importance of a celebration that understands the long processes of manumission and civil rights, and explores the holiday’s similarly long journey from a local celebration to a federal holiday. Stepping back, Professor Perry walks Sam and Emma through the modern significance of Juneteenth amidst a consistent push toward an ahistorical lost cause ideology, and the necessity of using this day to educate and get people to readdress the practice of Democracy, before they wrap up by tackling the role of capitalism and neoliberal precarity in keeping white supremacy alive and well in the US’ working class.

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Image Credit, Gage Skidmore
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.

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