Intuition REPRISE Looking again with new EYES!

1 year ago

#spirituality #consciousawakening #knowthyself

While travelling along one of the most intrepid road on the North Island of New Zealand in March 2023 I had an urge to revisit the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. I put on the audiobook of The Power of Now on my van stereo and listened intently as I drove along 'The Forgotten Highway' between Stratford and Taumarunui. It was here that my intuition had sent me to discover one of the biggest lessons I needed to realign with from 2022.

In that year I had put up resistance to WHAT IS, and struggled with the events that took place around me, those that were out of my control. I did my best to be as grounded as possible and negated some of the most draconian measures that I took us into a glimpse of a dystopic future that is coming down the pipeline if the population of my country of birth continues to acquiesce to narratives of control of every aspect of their lives. I did not comply to those grand designs of psychopaths and sociopaths, I found my tribe, went about my life and found deep connection with people who understood what it meant to become RESPONSIBLE for our creations. So there was the silver lining. I became like WATER.

It was this turn to teachings long since revealed to me that brought me to this understanding of embodying them in my life rather than intellectualising them. After Eckhart Tolle, David Icke's work came back into my life, and in the book, 'Tales from the Time Loop', I found more insight into the machinations of the simulation we live in, its algorithms, its bricks and mortar.

I had evolved and shifted my awareness to a place of deeper ability to understand what it was that was moving through me, a force that wanted me to come back to some of the information that had been a part of my life decades before.... and see it with new eyes.

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