COMIC TIMELAPSE __ Molotov(s) in '33 | Chapter 01 - Cover Page

1 year ago

Cover Page:

Total Time - 10 : 34 : 11

The first chapter is entirely done which is currently published on Comic Fury

I plan on doing more animatics, it's just by nature of process videos that they're more common once a chapter has been completed. I have an animatic in development right now titled "Stubborn Sentient Snapdragon", a side story to Molotov(s) to play with more dynamic, animated camera angles.

I couldn't add music to the speed paint nor any other because I don't have enough without anything getting too repetitious and YouTube love its copyright strikes.

The cover page was the last page I worked on specifically from the difficulty in coming up with a the composition needed for a portrait oriented illustration. The video's duration would have been considerably shorter had the final design been conceived sooner. I even restructured the storyboarding template to include the cover page with everything else mostly to remember that a cover page needs to be done at all.

How I outlined everything and the overall process for the final is the definitive way I go about making pages, which was figured out halfway through working on the first chapter.

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