Losing 100 pounds and How I FINALLY Kept it Off!!

1 year ago

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Video Outlining my Initial Weight Loss: https://youtu.be/EHvoMETtTfc

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There are an infinite number of ways you can lose weight, some of them not healthy but actually a lot of different methods can be healthy. The major factor in how successful you will be at losing weight on whatever protocol you choose is IF YOU CAN STICK TO IT!! I have always been someone that went ALL IN to whatever diet I was doing, and I lost weight...but I could never stick with it long term and I gained it back. Even on carnivore I struggled when life came knocking and stressful situations arose. It wasn't until I shifted my mind completely and just started focusing on One Non-Negotiable thing did things start working for me long term. I get comments every day of "I just can't stick to it" or "I was doing so great but I fell off the wagon" or "How can I stop being tempted?" This video addresses all of that into one concept that has made all the difference for me. I hope it is helpful for you.

To follow along with my daily life come find me on Instagram: @lauraespath

*I lost 120 pounds in 2018 on a Carniore Diet, I maintained that in 2019. In 2020 I struggled with some weight gain and then lost it again in 2021. For the last few years I have been maintaining a healthy weight. In December 2022 I had skin removal surgery (tummy tuck). This channel just documents all of that journey and how our family lives normal lives and eats a meat based diet.

#carnivore #carnivorediet #ketovore #worldcarnivoremonth #keto #ketovore #weightloss

What I Eat Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc52CVzSHJs4gUymfNP8kh8vOpa302yJ_

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