COMIC TIMELAPSE __ Molotov(s) in '33 | Chapter 01 - Page 01

1 year ago

Page 01:

Beginning of Chapter 01:

Total Time - 08 : 25 : 57

There's an animatic in development, however it won't be until some time after chapter 01 has been uploaded. I plan on recording every page's process since no one else has done so before. Having set this and all other videos not suitable for kids, this comic could pass for a mild PG - 13 since there are two chapters that share a single F-bomb for necessary reasons. If that factor didn't exist, it'd be a strong PG rating, because it's no worse than Tom and Jerry or Fleisher shorts.

Looking at it now, this page lacks details that will be more apparent in later chapters. I was still figuring out the process that seems so elusive no matter how many tutorials were found or how many questions I asked during comic livestreams. My main objective during chapter 01's development was to be more efficient than during thesis so videos wouldn't run past an hour. The storyboard video however is the exception, for there were many pages and its process has since been refined for later chapters.

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