Government is Slavery: the 4th of July Special [This Week in Tyranny: episode 30]

1 year ago

When the smoke clears… It’ll still be slavery

This Week in Tyranny: the most hardcore news show on Earth.

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

Episode 30 – June 30th, 2023
The Independence Day special:

All of humanity is under an all-front attack. Governments continue to violate individual rights. Central and international bankers tighten their monetary policy in a way as to increase financial hardship. Mainstream and alternative media, either government-affiliated or profit-motivated, advance these agendas through deception and mind control. That programming is reinforced by the federal monopoly on the certification and regulation of food and medicine. They are filled with toxins, a situation exacerbated by mass production and industrial pollution. And while the real polluters of the earth continue to increase their wealth, individuals are blamed for the problem. The environmental agenda is pushed by think-tanks and global institutes, focused on deeper control and disempowerment of the individual, as well as humanity accepting geoengineering.

Across the Atlantic, Russia’s war against Ukraine continues. War has always been a tool of the tyrants, and has always led to poverty and further enslavement. The recent mutiny in Russia may come as a surprise to most. Yevgeny Prigozhin is merely a tyrant, in an internal struggle with Vladimir Putin, another tyrant. The outcome of this will be a more militarized and authoritarian Russia, regardless of which tyrant comes out on top. This of course will create a more authoritarian and militarized America. Like the Cold War, these events will give the United States Government the pretext for increasing control to correspond with Russia and China.

Back at home, drama continues regarding Donald Trump’s indictment and legal issues. Completely irrelevant to us as individuals, this circus advances the dark occult agendas through two tactics:
Guilt by association – “Trump talked about the Deep State and was against the media, and look what type of person he turned out to be”
Support through persecution – “Look at how much they’re attacking Trump, we need to support him”

The current president is not much better. His latest speech in Chicago, laughably titled “Bidenomics”, attempts to cast a favorable light on the current economic condition, which is simple theft, under the cover of inflation and supply chain disruptions. While the purchasing power of the people diminishes, Joe Biden gave the standard U.S President speech, mainly emotional rhetoric, and dropping phrases that sound good as “evidence” of the so-called progress.

Same old… what’s new?
The wildfire smoke psyop:
fear, geoengineering, and manipulation into acceptance of environmental tyranny.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

#naturallaw #independenceday2023 #wethepeople

00:00 - 05:22 - Russia
05:22 - 09:03 - Trump
09:03 - 12:00 - Biden
12:00 - 27:35 - Fire and Smoke
27:35 - 30:42 - Come and take it

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