Why I Will Never Visit Ooty Again | Solo Travel India | Tamil Nadu Vlog (Ep. 73)

3 years ago

Renting a motorbike is now illegal in Ooty.
Instead of letting the market evolve naturally with time, technology, and education, the Ooty government in India has manipulated the natural market. They have banned the rental of motorbikes, forcing tourists to only hire expensive rickshaw drivers.

As a tourist, there's nothing more frustrating that being forced to do something that you don't want to do. In this case, it's pay money rickshaw drivers that are highly overpriced.

Normally, tourists could pay about $5 USD per day to rent a motorbike, plus the cost of fuel. This would allow the tourist to visit many beautiful viewpoints, attractions, and shops in the local area. But now that tourists must rely on rickshaws, they may be charged upwards of $40-50 USD just to visit a few different places.

Because of the crazy government, I have absolutely no interest in visiting Ooty ever again. And my guess is that many other tourists will feel the same way.

By saving a few rickshaw jobs, you will start to destroy the livelihood of thousand of other business owners in the area. Nobody will want to visit your town anymore.

Dear Government:
You should let the markets evolve naturally. Shutting down the most convenient form of transportation will slowly start to destroy your beautiful town. Fewer people will visit Ooty a 2nd time, and people will avoid going because they cannot afford to spend $50 per day on transportation. If fewer people visit your town, less money will be spent at your local hotels, restaurants, clothing, and entertainment businesses. Overall revenue will decrease.

Oh, and by the way, there are still a few shops who will rent motorbikes to tourists. They told us that the price is very high because they must pay corruption money to local police officers. Maybe if you didn't manipulate the market, there would be less corruption. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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