Spiritual Warfare Study 5 (Sword of Spirit, Powers, Wicked Spirits) - Jim Logan

1 year ago

Website: http://www.brministry.org | App: http://get.theapp.co/725c
What are the offensive pieces of the Armor of God? God wants us to not live a defensive life, but offensive as well. Battles are not won, when only defensive. How can you apply the Sword of the Spirit and Praying with all prayers to your armor in offensive attacks against the enemy. Dr. Logan finishes this study by looking into what the demonic forces do to believers, and how you can stand against them.
#spiritualwarfarestudy #jimlogan #principalities

00:00 - 03:00 - Sword of the Spirit
03:01 - 06:15 - Word Empowered by God
06:16 - 07:30 - Satan's Lies About the Bible
07:31 - 08:16 - Praying Always
08:17 - 09:30 - Prayer Assignments
09:31 - 12:10 - How to Resist, Chuck Swindoll
12:13 - 13:46 - Chuck Swindoll Prayer
13:47 - 16:00 - Charles Stanley, Preparing for War
16:04 - 17:00 - Whole Attacks of the Enemy
17:01 - 17:50 - Ranking of Demons
17:51 - 22:55 - Governmental Structures
22:56 - 24:45 - Principalities
24:46 - 33:54 - Powers
33:55 - 37:30 - Forces of Darkness
37:31 - 39:40 - Wicked Spirits
39:41 - 47:52 - Missionary Stories

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