The Gospel of Jesus - The Law Cannot Give Life

1 year ago

Just like most things in life a promise is only as good as your word and effort to keep it. Paul knows the promise that God made to Abraham. Paul also knows that God will always keep His promises to us. This is the promise He made to Abraham, that you will find life through Jesus Christ. It is one promise we better take very seriously. God gave His Son so we may find everlasting life. God also knew that we as humans are incapable of keeping every aspect of the law. With this knowledge, Jesus was born to be the sacrifice for all of us. Jesus died for all, once and for all and all we need do is receive Him and repent our sins so that we may be released from this bondage of the world. When we receive Jesus, repent our sins, live for Him, we will then find our way into the kingdom of heaven.

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