the shocking story of coming back from a devastating injury (past recording)

1 year ago

I recorded this a number of years ago with my good friend

Coming back from a devastating injury aired initially on the Gym Laird show on
Former Recon Marine, Kris Freeman, and I discuss his experience training for the Marines. Getting ready for combat, his deployment, and all he had to go through after being hit by an IED.
Kris shares what led him to train people online after recovering from his various injuries, including traumatic brain injury.

Obsessed, passionate, driven. These were words that Kris Freeman heard growing up to describe how he figured out the world. The passion Kris has for health and fitness has been no different. Sharing this passion with his clients and now the online world is his new mission. He has been a personal trainer since medically retiring from the US Marines in 2007.

0:00 - The interview commences with Chris detailing his journey transitioning from physical challenges, onto becoming a member of the Marine Corps. He examines how adverse experiences in life can be transformed into positive driving forces that inspire assistance to others.

6:05 - Chris briefly narrates the timeline of his military career, stating that he enlisted during a time of active combat back in 2003 with his parents' co-signature, and later joined Marine Recon upon graduating in 2005.

11:34 - Addressing the often-asked question regarding the inherent attraction to combat experience, Chris explains that many factors, such as the idealistic and glory-seeking side of war initially attract people. However, over time, the comprehensive training regimen becomes deeply embedded in an individual's identity, supplementing the insatiable craving for their unique camaraderie.

16:58 - Chris delves into his experiences in Iraq, recounting the unfortunate incidents of IED attacks, direct action raids, and subsequent memory loss he had to grapple with after losing his team leader.

22:23 - Shifting focus to post-combat life, Chris discusses his road to recovery, dealing with physical and mental scars. His issues ranged from broken bones and a traumatic brain injury to struggling with a drastically altered perspective on life from a wheelchair.

1:12 - Detailing his recovery process after his traumatic brain injury, Chris specifies it included early initiation of physical therapy before hospital discharge followed by a span of a year and a half, dealing with intensive healing regimens like swimming therapy.

33:16 - Stressing the importance of patient beginnings with simple exercises to avoid burnout and frustration, Chris provides fitness advice based on his personal experiences.

38:39 - He continues to advocate the importance of training smart rather than training hard, cautioning against the risks of overtraining that might lead to injuries and burnout.

44:04 - Chris introduces the concept of neurofeedback training, describing how it aids in improving memory, enhancing sleep, and promoting general relaxation for optimum hormonal output.

49:14 - Highlighting the versatility and benefits of online coaching, primarily through video feedback, he makes a case for its affordability, effectiveness, and wide reach.

54:23 - As the interview concludes, Chris discusses an opportunity to train veterans through the Heroes Movement. He shares his goals of introducing one-on-one training to 1-6 individuals and gradually integrating them into group training.

59:47 - Concluding the discussion, Jim and Chris encourage the act of transparent sharing, expressing how it can provide solace to others in challenging times.

These varying topics give an insider view into the myriad struggles, recoveries, and personal growth Chris has experienced, mapping out a message of hope and resilience to others navigating similar paths.

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