Organize Your Ideas: Obsidian Content Marketing Workflow

1 year ago

If you want to be more productive as a writer, the tools you use matter. These tools must work together, give you context, and improve workflow.

Discover how to be a productive writer with Obsidian, Visual Studio Code, and GitHub. Makes writing reports, articles, and books in less time without frustration.

You can capture the results of tests, content ideas, and draft materials in record time. See demonstrations of using graph analysis, markdown, and tagging. Simplify your workflow.

Don't watch this video; put it into practice so you can be a more productive writer. Whether you write marketing copy, research papers, or author books doesn't matter.

The success of being a productive writer is the same. This one thing is more important than the writing and organizing itself. Watch as I teach you how to be more productive.

If you're in the business of writing and want to be more productive, join us at

#ProductiveWriter #NoteTaking #SecondBrain #EditorialProcess #WritingWorkflow

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