Mysteries: Peru’s Alien Attack, 12,000 Year Old Tunnels & ‘Not Real’ Woman Found

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After nearly two months, there’s finally an answer to the question that everyone has been wanting to know: Who was the woman on the plane screaming that another passenger is “not real”? Meet Tiffany Gomas, a marketing executive from Dallas, Texas. Why are we just finding out about it now? Well, if that person on the plane wasn’t real, this is—and will surprise you. A tribe in Peru shot guns at 7-foot tall aliens with giant heads and green eyes after the ETs reportedly attacked a teenage girl. Is this just a case of a paranoid alien fever, or did they actually attack?

In news back on the ground (or deep under it), a massive, 2,000-year-old, underground tunnel system was found stretching from Scotland to Turkey, highlighting that there was an advanced ancient civilization that lived there long ago. Speaking of ancient discoveries, archaeologists in China are reportedly afraid to open the tomb of China's first emperor because they fear it might be booby trapped. In current news, the media is reporting that a Sound of Freedom “producer” was caught kidnapping a child, but is the media spinning a tragic story for a purpose? Join Ben and Rob on this Edge of Wonder Live show as they dive deeper into all of these topics, plus bring you a live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV.

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