The Widow" Can Survive Shotgun Fire & Being Run Over, Will Ukraine Get It?

1 year ago

A US-based company has made a robust drone that claims to shrug off anti-aircraft fire. Newcastle Manufacturing has introduced “The Widow”, a quadcopter that is claimed to have the ability to defend itself against shotgun fire. The Widow is described as a versatile quadcopter engineered to withstand “highly demanding battlefield conditions”. The drone can fly at the speed of 70 mph and carry a payload of more than 3 pounds. Experts believe that the drone can provide plenty of options in Ukraine, which has similar-sized drones that drop RKG-3 anti-tank grenades. According to the makers, the Widow’s most striking new feature is its armour plating. A test video shows the drone withstanding a blast from a 12-gauge shotgun at 25 yards. The Widow is said to resist smaller gauges at even shorter ranges.

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