EP. 040: Subverting Freedoms (1984 Yuri Bezmenov Interview)

1 year ago

For the 4th of July, Weights & Wealth prepared an episode one of our 5 F’s-Freedom! In this episode, Nick and Ted break down and discuss a 1984 interview of a former Soviet KGB agent and defector, Yuri Bezmenov. For links to studies, articles, etc. mentioned in the episode, go to the show notes tab on our website: www.weightsandwealth.com .

00:00 Beginning
01:41 Weights Wisdom
02:38 Increasing Cancer Rates
05:14 RFK 2024
10:19 Yuri Bezmenov Interview
11:50 The Big Lie
14:16 Stage 1: Demoralization
20:34 Stage 2: Destabilization
35:19 Stage 3:Crisis
35:55 Stage 4: Normalization

Mentioned: @robertfkennedyjr @dineshjdsouza @jordan.b.peterson @realcandaceowens @therealkiyosaki
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Website: ⁠www.weightsandwealth.com

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