Have you been asking WHY?

1 year ago

Have you ever been waiting for something and wondered WHY God hasn't given it to you or what's taking Him so long? Or when you do get an answer...it's NOT what you thought you wanted or what you hoped for?
Trusting God sounds easy...until things don't go how we thought they would or should.

So, what do you do? How do you respond? Are you a "keep the faith" kind of person or are you more of a "Forget this. I'm taking over!"

We're talking about asking for what we need, waiting and the disaster that happens when we take matters into our own hands.

Got Crud? Yep. We ALL do. It's how we deal with it (or not) that makes all the difference. Crud Talk is a podcast that helps people deal with their crud. Are you stuck? I can help. *Message me for package details.

"WHY - Getting What You Asked For" - Crud Talk E151
Available on ALL podcast platforms. 
www.sonyabrunner.com - for more information and to book Sonya for your event.Listen to the FULL EPISODE NOW! 

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#childtrafficking #bible #childabuse #crudcoach #counselor #prayer #why #Jesus #israelites

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