Karen Kingston Not Been Heard From Since She Made This Video in Mexico on 8-6-2023

1 year ago


8-25-2023 - https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/i-didnt-realize-asking-for-help-was


Karen Kingston Says her Son and Mother Appear Missing - They Are Fine. Let Us Pray for Karen to Get Emergent Medical Care
If you don't pray, consider a prayer for Karen's health. Her family is fine. My appeal for prayer is that she seeks emergency medical care for cerebral malaria. And they can also check for poisoning.

Last update: August 8, 2023: I spoke to a trusted source who relays that the family is fine. My immediate thought and concern is that Karen publicly discussed she had malaria last month. It can be resistant to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and cerebral malaria with brain swelling may be a complication. And if she is being poisoned, they can run tests and get a diagnosis. This is a developing story and your continued prayers are appreciated.

Karen said that her life is in danger, and so are those of her son and mother. I confirmed that her family is fine.

If you know Karen, or know someone who is close to her, please help get her to seek medical care in the next 24 hours.

This is a developing story and we ask you to keep Karen in your prayers.

Kingston's WIFI connection in Mexico was not good. The video start and stopped then ran okay the rest of the video.

Getter: https://gettr.com/streaming/p2nnc6713be

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