APHIDS: What are they and why you need to take swift pest control action when you spot them.

1 year ago

Aphids are small, soft bodied insects. They infest gardens and lawns. Aphids can reproduce fast, and come in many colors, including green, brown, black, and pink. These tiny pests feed on the sap of plants by piercing the plant tissue with their mouths, extracting the sugary sap. They excrete a sticky residue called honeydew. Aphids can quickly infest and damage plants and lawns, causing stunted growth, curling leaves, yellowing foliage, and death. They also have the potential to transmit viral diseases from plant to plant. Additionally, the honeydew excreted by aphids can attract other pests, such as ants. In some cases, the honeydew can also promote the growth of sooty mold, a black fungus that covers the grass blades and gives the lawn a dark, dirty appearance. Treat the infestation right away. Follow for our next video.

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