i am not what chu wanted me to be *win cell

1 year ago

why do people tell other people what to do (control freaks)
i'd never say anything just to be mean
i was born in the wrong country
call me bitter *you're right
capitalist socialist communist $ $ $
but i'm supposed to be so grateful for this shit, i will dedicate my gratitude to what really matters
"autistic" : addicted to yer phone
you will live n die w/ yer phone
society is not the way
God's Will for me is to live this unconventional solitary life
it's not different when they can control it
you're still doin what they want chu to do
i don't expect you to figure this out
i hear myself do you hear yourself
absolutely terrible piano punk hahaha
therapeutic for me n everyone else even if others find it cringe n they hate it
people are jealous of the authentic ones
everyone mimics me in many ways, the most popular one is the most obvious meow
i ain't the only one meowing haha
i just meow, i don't identify as a cat
poor examples of Christianity will deter many from the true faith
oh if they only knew that they could have salvation
do you see how these mfs behave
do they not read the Bible or do they just not get it
maybe i should stop givin em such a hard time
how can you have the solution when it's...christian music
i can't get over how badly christians represent christianity
i feel like such a cunt, man
maybe the devil is fuckin w/ my head tho i dunno...
entrenched in hypocrisy, so many people
many aren't super duper conscious of the world they live in, i am a sponge after all
am i just a piece a shit
am i wrong for feeling this way, thinking mean thoughts such as this, talkin shit
i'm sure somebody will let me know...

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