North Dakota Deals Huge Blow to Carbon-capture Scam

1 year ago

Aug 07, 2023

On Friday, North Dakota’s Public Service Commission unanimously denied Summit Carbon Solutions’ route permit application, a victory for advocates of private-property rights and commonsense energy policies. The battle over these pipelines has been intensifying as people learn of their potential for physical harm, their ties to BlackRock and China, and the destruction they will bring to farmers and our food supply.

In other stories, John Bolton, President Trump’s former national security advisor, revealed in a recent interview the real reason he doesn’t want his former boss back in the White House: because Trump wants to get America out of international entanglements such as NATO. Also, the House of Representatives’ Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party is investigating the largest asset-fund manager in the world, BlackRock, for facilitating American investment in Chinese companies the U.S. government has accused of bolstering China’s military and violating human rights.

In the second half of the show, Gary Benoit interviews senior editor Rebecca Terrell about the war on farmers, including the carbon-capture land grab; and Steve Bonta and Gary Benoit discuss the U.S. Constitution’s checks and balances.

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