The Silent Scream (1984) | The ground-breaking documentary on abortion.

1 year ago

This is the film that shocked the world...
The modern technology of real-time ultrasound now reveals the actual responses of a 12-week-old fetus to being aborted.
As the unborn child attempts to escape the abortionist's suction curette, her motions can be seen to become desperately agitated and her heart rate doubles.
The abortionist's procedure is explained in scientific terms by Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson, who earlier in his career ran the world's largest abortion clinic. Now ardently pro-life, Dr. Nathanson is dedicated to exposing the truth about "abortion on demand."

"Never have so many millions of Americans seen such a graphic representation of a baby being ripped apart." - Congressman Robert Dorman, California.

"The other side (pro-choice) is now on the defensive. I think we're in for some hard times." - Nanette Falkenberg, National Abortion Rights Action League.

"... A high technology 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' arousing public opinion just as Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 antislavery novel ignited the abolitionist movement." - Sen. Gordon Humphrey, Time Magazine.

#abortion #RoevWade #abolition #EndAbortionNow

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