Project DIVA F 2nd - He's My Son by Mark Schultz ft Kaito Luka Len - PV Edit by xtokashx

1 year ago

• Title: He's My Son
• Music & Lyrics: Mark Schultz
• Album: Mark Schultz
• Project DIVA F 2nd PV Edit (NA/Eur Ver.): xtokashx
• PSN User ID: xtokashx_usa
• Upload ID: wvRGXZXteYT3sc#SG7F%by

Mark Schultz wrote this beautiful, inspirational, and powerful song back in 1998 for a friend whose 14 year old son, Martin Baird, was diagnosed with leukemia. In the latest interview I could find of Mark in 2007 regarding the song, he stated that Martin's cancer was in remission and he was attending college. Many have found inspiration and strength from this song as they have applied it to their own circumstances.

I created this Promotional Video edit using the PS3 game Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd editor and graphics engine. I wanted to see how far I could stretch the capabilities of the Project DIVA F 2nd editor in being able to convey some of the power the song portrays. I knew that if I could harness even a fraction of that power, it would go a long way to making something truly special in the visual presentation. My hope is that the visuals do justice to the awesome audio of Mark's music.

The edit is available for download and use through the Project DIVA F 2nd game network (North America / Europe version).

My PSN User ID: xtokashx_usa

The MP3 for use with the edit is available for purchase through

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