Could Gender Dysphoria Be Linked to Chemicals In Our Products

1 year ago

In today's video, we sit down with Dana Flavin, MD. Dr. Flavin has studied 58 semesters with 4 disciplines in Medicine and Science. She was the former top FDA Toxicology Advisor. She is a Biochemist, Pharmacologist, and Physician. Her accomplishments include curing EBV hepatosplenomegaly in 24-48 hours, reversing AIDS in 2 months, reversing autoimmune diseases in 4 weeks, and reversing stage IV cancers of the lung, colon, skin (melanoma), thyroid, and breast. She has been researching and finding cures for over 40 years and is still daily researching and practicing medicine.

Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.

Today's video is focused on talking about gender dysphoria and if there is anything link between that and the use of many common products in the United States. Visit The Nathan Crane Podcast on YouTube to watch the full podcast!

What was your biggest takeaway from today's episode? Let us know in the comment section below!

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