What Does The Holy Spirit Look Like? | Ephesians 5:15-33 | Tony Clark

1 year ago

Join us as Pastor Tony Clark explores the question, "What does the Holy Spirit look like?" Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 5:15-33, He delves into the tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our lives, highlighting the transformative power of His presence and how it impacts our relationships, worship, and daily walk with God. Join us as we uncover the beauty and significance of a Spirit-filled life.

00:00 - Introduction
01:06 - What does it look like for the Holy Spirit to “come upon me” or “live within me”?
01:27 - What does it mean to “walk with God”?
05:43 - The one thing we can’t do in heaven!
09:32 - Do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit
15:49 - Worship will become meaningful to us
19:41 - You know you’re filled with the Spirit when you’re filled with thanksgiving
21:24 - You will submit to one another
22:52 - Wives submit to their own Husbands
28:37 - Husbands love their wives as Christ loved the Church


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#Cornerstonechapel #Tonyclark #CalvaryChapel

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