BodyBellMethod Revisited: Kettlebells, Bodyweight and Dynamic Tension Certification @TheMasterPhil

1 year ago

The BodyBell Method is a common-sense approach to strength and fitness with longevity and progression in mind. Developed by Phil Ross, MS, RKC Master Kettlebell Trainer, Martial Arts Master, ACE CPT and Wellness and Exercise Professor. As a master trainer and educator in multiple disciplines, the methodology employed has been successfully applied to athletes of all levels, law enforcement and military personnel, and fitness enthusiasts of ages and abilities.

NASM and ACE continuing education credits earned!

Movements Tested:
1) Pull-ups – Men 5 repetitions, women 1 repetition
2) Standing Jump for Distance – Leap 50% of your height
3) Hanging Abdominals – 20 repetitions, knees to chest
4) Table Top Bridge for 30 seconds
5) Snatch – 100 snatches in 5 minutes. Weight classes listed below*
6) Dual Kettlebell Swings – 10 reps with Snatch Size Kettlebell
7) Dual Kettlebell Front Squats – 5 reps with Snatch Size Kettlebell
8) Dual Kettlebell Push-Press – 5 reps with Snatch Size Kettlebell
9) Turkish Get-up, 1 repetition each side with Snatch Size Kettlebell

1) Pull-ups
2) Levers: Floor & Bar
3) Hanging Abdominals: Knees, Pike, Side to Side, L-Sit
4) L-sit on Paralettes & Kettlebells
5) Plyometric Squats
6) Leaps and Bounds (Two Feet and One Foot Versions)
7) One-Arm Pushups
8) Plyometric Push-ups
9) Air Lunge
10) V-ups, Side Crunches, Butt-ups
11) Bridges: Straight Leg, Back, Runners and Neck
12) Walk the Plank with and without Push-ups

1) Straddle
2) Bretzel
3) Double L
4) Prying Cobra
5) Warrior’s Lunge
6) Awesome Shoulder Stretch
7) Tall Kneeling Bridge
8) Hip/Wall Stretches: Kneeling and Figure 4

Kettlebell Movements for Level 2:
1) Get-up Review and “Phil G U”
2) Snatch: Dead Start. Ground-up and Continuous
3) Swings: Single and Dual Bell Versions - Dead Start, Hand to Hand, Triple Extension, Hopping Lateral
4) Versions - Dead Start, Hand to Hand, Triple Extension, Hopping Lateral
5) Core Cleans
6) Squats: Single and Dual Bell Versions - Front, Bottoms-up, Split
7) Press: Dual Bell, Bottoms-up, Push, Kneeling, Waiters
8) Rows: Renegade, Dual Bell Variations
9) Janda Sit-up
10) Floor Press: Single, Dual and Alternating

Dynamic Tension for Level 2: All with a Staff (Dowel)
1. Neutral Spine Drill
2. Side to Side
3. Twists
4. Reach Backs
5. Bent Over Twists
6. Good Mornings
7. Shoulder Raises
#masterphil #bodybellmethod #fitness #kettlebellking #kettlebells #philross #strength #kettlebellworkout #dynamictension #bodyweight #calisthenics

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