Why The United States and France Want To Invade Niger... and Much More

1 year ago

Why The United States and France Want To Invade Niger... and Much More

August 7, 2023


Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp

The U.S. and France have threatened to invade to re-install a pro-European regime in Niger.

Niger is a major producer of Gold and Uranium, the latter of which is needed for European nuclear energy. The country has significant Oil reserves to which foreign corporations have wanted access. It also hosts large U.S. drone bases.

These European threats follow coups led by nationalist, anti-colonial military officers in neighboring Burkina Faso and Mali, whose governments have warned that intervention would be considered an act of war, and could thus set off a regional conflict.

West Africa is rich in natural resources. It is also very strategic for the United States and France.

Almost all of West Africa was colonized by France, which committed brutal atrocities in the region.

Still today, France maintains neocolonial policies, effectively controlling West African economies by forcing them to use the CFA franc as their national currency.

Senegalese development economist Ndongo Samba Sylla described the CFA franc as "a colonial currency, born of France's need to foster economic integration among the colonies under its administration, and thus control their resources, economic structures and political systems".

Paris dictates the monetary policies and even holds much of the foreign exchange reserves of numerous West African nations, including Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali.

The CFA franc is a "a barrier to industrialisation and structural transformation" in these countries, explained Sylla, who characterized it as a "neocolonial device that continues to destroy any prospect of economic development in user nations."

The United States has one of its largest and most important drone bases in Niger: the Air Base 201, which cost $110 million to build, and an additional $20-30 million per year to maintain – in one of the poorest countries on Earth.

Niger is geostrategically important for the Pentagon's Africa strategy. It is located in the middle of the Sahel, a region with a lot of US and French military activity, where thousands of troops are stationed on a regular basis.

Washington uses its drone bases in Niger, in the heart of the Sahel, to project military dominance in North and West Africa, in coordination with the forces that US Africa Command, or AFRICOM, has deployed across the continent.

If Washington loses its ally in Niger, the new nationalist military government may try to close the foreign military bases and kick out the roughly 1000 US soldiers in the country.

Niger's historically subordinate relationship with the European powers has not brought the Nigerien people any prosperity.

The country is a major producer of gold, but more than 40% of Nigeriens live in extreme poverty.

Niger is also one of the world's largest producers of uranium. This radioactive material is crucial for nuclear energy in Europe, especially in France, where roughly one-third of electricity comes from nuclear power.

Less known is that Niger also has sizeable oil reserves.

The market intelligence firm S&P Global Commodity Insights warned that the July coup in Niger "could jeopardize the African country's plans to become a significant oil producer and exporter".

It described Niger as a "key European ally and security partner and one of the world's biggest uranium producers", adding that the "country is believed to be sitting on a billion barrels of crude reserves, according to the African Petroleum Producers' Organization".

S&P Global Commodity Insights noted that Niger has been building an oil pipeline with southern neighbor Benin, to transport crude exports out into the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean. The country "is on the verge of a long-awaited production surge", and an oil industry executive described the pipeline as a "game changer".

A former State Department official complained to the market intelligence firm that, following coups led by nationalist military officers in Mali and Burkina Faso, "the governments abruptly nationalized the gold mines, pushing industrial giants out".

Soon after the coup in Niger, there were similar reports that the nationalist military government decided to block exports of uranium and gold to the West.

My new e-book, DANGEROUS IDEAS, is out! You can get it for free by joining at leecamp dot net. It's also available on most e-book platforms. I am one of the most censored comedians in America. Thanks for the support!

Original: https://youtu.be/Sp5k5v8Lfu8



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I'm one of the most censored comedians in America. I was the host and head writer of the TV show "Redacted Tonight" for 8 years until it was shut down by US sanctions. Then all of the past episodes were banned by YouTube around the world. Next my podcast "Moment of Clarity" was deleted by Spotify. My other channels are shadow-banned and suppressed -- All because I'm anti-war and anti-imperialist. You can support my work and get weekly exclusive content at LeeCamp dot net. (You can also find my podcasts now under the name "The Lee Camp Show," "Government Secrets" and "Common Censored.")

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