Harnwell: CNN Shock Poll — Only 17% Of Americans Want To See US Boots On The Ground In Ukraine

1 year ago

18 months of relentless pro-war propaganda has ended in embarrassing failure — Americans do NOT want US troops committed in Ukraine.

The US Military-Industrial Complex pushed one escalation after another to obtain by stealth kinetic war — and the end result is that the gulf between President Magoo and the American people could not be wider on this question.

Americans do NOT want another ForeverWar — but will they be allowed to express this at the ballot box in November 2024?







Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

Follow me on the world’s greatest social media app at https://gettr.com/user/harnwell

Aired On: 8/7/23

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