Wiley Information Network Episode 4 Part 1 It's Only treason, get the Electric Chairs!

1 year ago

Mike Wiley presents a two hour video on Democrat fraud hoaxes and criminal activity. When you employ the benefits equals intent process, you recognize that maybe just maybe, the Democrats caused the Great Depression, since they benefitted the most by it and they created Watergate as a hoax to snare Nixon into defeat after winning a landslide. Is the Trump Maniacal thinking of the Democrats the same as it was for Nixon. The defeat of two Republican Presidents who were going to win re-election by landslides, yet never served more than two years. Trump's first two years were sabotaged as well by Confederate Democrats, who killed another Republican President who was re-elected called Abraham Lincoln. The evidence points to 160 years of war by the Democrats against the American nation. Maybe its time they move to their own country and leave us alone. They can take their $20 trillion in debt with them. And their Green New Deal Crap.

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