Rabbi Ron Aaronson

1 year ago

Rabbi Ron Aaronson, The Crossway Ministry, 8/6/23

We were so blessed to welcome Rabbi Ron Aaronson with Israel Benevolence Fund to The Crossway Ministry. Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc. (IBF) was birthed in the heart of Rabbi Ron Aaronson. The Lord spoke to him one morning while running. The message was: “It is more important to feed hungry widows and orphans than it is to plant trees in Israel.” Rabbi Aaronson, seeking the next move, responded to further leadings from God and “thus Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc. was born.” Isaiah 58:6-12 tells us to help clothe, feed and encourage others. The Messiah tells us the same thing in Matthew 25. As He said in that portion of Scripture, when He was hungry, naked, in prison and thirsty, “to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”

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