All Things Can Tempt Me (FULL AUDIOBOOK!)

1 year ago

"All Things Can Tempt Me" is a poignant poem by the renowned poet William Butler Yeats. In this thought-provoking piece, Yeats explores the concept of temptation and its impact on the human experience. The poem delves into the internal struggle faced by the speaker as he grapples with the allure of various temptations, which include the beauty of nature and the worldly desires driven by societal pressures. The speaker reflects on how these temptations can divert his attention from his craft of writing poetry, which he considers his true vocation.

As the poem unfolds, the speaker reveals the evolution of his relationship with temptation. Initially, he describes how he was once drawn by a woman's face and the apparent needs of his nation, emphasizing the allure and distraction they posed. He then contrasts these temptations with his present state, where the act of writing poetry has become more accessible and readily available than ever before. The familiarity of this creative endeavor has made it easier to indulge in, even in the face of other temptations.

The poem's contemplative tone deepens as the speaker reflects on his youth, recalling a time when he held little regard for the value of a song unless it was delivered with a captivating performance. However, now the speaker wishes for a different disposition—one of detachment and indifference. He expresses a desire to be as distant and unresponsive as a fish, colder, dumber, and deafer to the world's allure

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