cute cat | cat | cute creation | funny cat #Neha Ali

1 year ago

A cat, also known as a domestic cat is a carnivorous i.e. meat-eating animal. It has been tamed for approximately 10000 years. Cats are one of the most popular pets of this world. They belong to the origin of African wildcat. During ancient times they were tamed especially for the purpose of eating rodents such as rats, mice, small animals etc that were destroying the agricultural fields of farmers, later they were used as pets due to their friendly, playful and attractive nature with the human beings. Domestic cats can be found with long hair, short hair and hairless breeds. The word “cat” also comes under the category of other “Felines”. Felines are generally called as either big or small cats.

Cat is a one of the popular pet animals which is tamed by human since long time.

Cats have four legs and one tail and they produce a “meow”, “purr” and “hiss” sound.

They can see and hear better than humans and they are able to see in night also.

Cat is a carnivore animal which means it is a flesh-eating animal

The average life of a cat is 10 years to 12.5 years.

A male cat is called as Tomcat and a female cat is called as Molly or Queen

A female cat gives birth to its offspring which are called as “Kittens”.

On an average, a cat gives birth to 3 to 6 kittens at a time.

There are 500 breeds of cats which are known to the world.

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