The Great Alignment Episode 7: De coding S*xual trama

1 year ago

July is Human Tr@fficking Awareness month and we have chosen to dedicate this episode to De-Coding S*xual Trauma in the Body.

Healing from s*xual trauma is like feeling around in the dark because for many there are large periods of early childhood that are completely missing, and one is left with symptoms, feelings, patterns and fears.

This forgetting is the body’s way of protecting itself so it feels safe enough to survive, however the body always keeps the memory of the experience, or the issue, in the tissues of the body.

In this episode we share how Body Language provides the blueprint to see the emotional and psychological effects of s*xual trauma in the body. This is seen how the body is physically shaped, posture, lifestyle patterns, and more; as well as how it affects how the body functions.

Let’s learn to see in the dark with Body Language.

Kelly Love is master trained in Psychosomatic Therapy and currently in her teaching diplomacy, also trained in integrative trauma release, reiki and embodied healing arts. She combines her wisdom to guide others into seeing their truth and rising into their soul’s purpose.
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