8/6/23 Eschatology #11: Background Information for the Abomination of Desolation

1 year ago

8/6/23 Eschatology #11: Background Information for the Abomination of Desolation

Communion Song: Blessed Is The Lord, by Michael Neale; © 2010 Integrity's Praise! Music; Song CCLI #5763351; Church CCLI Copyright License #813368; Church Streaming License #20344998.

Website: https://www.shear-jashub.org

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Email: mailbox@shear-jashub.org

Meeting in Madison, Connecticut

Mailing address:
Shear-Jashub Christian Tabernacle
PO Box 518
Branford, CT 06405

Pastor Gregory J. Scalzo, MBA
Associate Pastor Francis-David A. Scalzo, M.Div., Ph.D.

Pastor Greg's award winning book:
The Nature and Power of Prayer
30 Bible Lessons to Effective Prayer That Will Change Your Life!
Website: https://www.pastorgregscalzo.com

Shear-Jashub radio program:
You can listen to solid Bible teaching on our weekly radio program in Connecticut on WFIF Life Changing Radio 1500 AM and 101.9 FM every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. (also plays earlier on Sunday at 12:30 a.m.)

Each week's Shear-Jashub radio program is also available on the church website 24/7

Sunday sermon:
We livestream the Sunday message at 10:30 am on YouTube on the Shear-Jashub Christian Tabernacle Channel

The programs are posted up on YouTube and Rumble.com afterwards for 24/7 viewing
(Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/ShearJashub)

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