Greta Thunberg Admits She Lied and Admits She Never Read A Scientific Study.

1 year ago

Greta Thunberg Admits She Lied and Admits She Never Read A Scientific Study.

Like I said many times before:

Greta Thunberg is a liar
Greta Thunberg is a criminal
Greta Thunberg is a paid actor
Greta Thunberg is FUCKING DANGEROUS.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao all used young girls with pigtails to make their Communist Rhetoric more acceptable to children, and now the United Nations is doing the same thing with this toxic monster.

She needs to be locked up and made an example of before more of your children commit suicide listening to her doomsday predictions.

#greta #gretathunberg #thunberg #climate #climatechange #globalwarming #globalboiling #iceage #jetstream #weather #weathercontrol #un #unitednations #canada #YYC #oceans #risingoceans

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