Suella Braverman wants to jail lefty immigration lawyers.

1 year ago

Suella Braverman has an issue with immigration law insofar as pesky lawyers keep stopping her breaking it.
Right so Suella Braverman has once again evoked comparisons with the rhetoric of 1930’s Germany, I’m not Gary Lineker, I think I can get away with saying that, for she has said lawyers helping migrants cheat the system should be jailed! Well really! I mean that was the headline in the Daily Fail, so to translate into what is actually happening and what Cruella is actually bleating about is that those blasted lefty lawyers keep stopping her from deporting people and she’s really, really cross about it! The rhetoric being spread surrounding this is equally as bad. If you’re not backing her racist stop the boats bill you’re betraying Britain, if you don’t support cramming asylum seekers on a prison barge like tinned sardines you’re not patriotic, if you aren’t sticking union flags up your backside, whilst standing for God save the King at the same time as cheering the idea of deporting people fleeing war to the middle of Africa, you’re positively treasonous! It is tiresome and all it boils down to is the Tories using truly vulnerable people, and whatever you think of them, when they’re bobbing around in the Channel because there exists no legal route by which to claim asylum, they have no other course to take in order to claim asylum here which is their right and media outlets like the BBC constantly referring to them as illegal whilst doing so is a falsehood when the opposite is true, because it is their right. The Tories are using these people as an election campaign strategy, they’ve nothing left in the tank, nothing else they haven’t screwed up to campaign on, no ideas left. It says a lot of Keir Starmer that he just plans to carry on with a lot of this, his potential incoming Labour government starting where the Tories have ended up after 13 years. But anyway, back to Braverman, who just has to keep upping the ante and become increasingly more deranged as she does so. She’s basically gone on record as saying immigration lawyers, who’s job it is to represent the interests of migrants, or asylum seekers, are apparently cheating the system to help get people into the country and settle here, that they are cheats and con men and they should be jailed. They operate within the law, international law as it is and comments like this endanger lives and it’s the same rags backing Braverman’s mad and dangerous comments who were also the ones who were bleating about the danger to Sunak and his family when Greenpeace climbed on his roof. Well what about the families of lawyers who now feel the Home Secretary, who is literally a lawyer herself, a poor one clearly, is a danger to their lives and their families?


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Damo Rants Kernow Damo braverman,suella braverman,home secretary suella braverman,rishi sunak,politics,home secretary,suella,suella braverman refugees,suella braverman racist,suella braverman asylum,suella braverman invasion,migrant crisis,channel crossings,kernow damo,kernowdamo,damo rants,damo,bibby stockholm,suella braverman lefty lawyers,suella braverman jail lawyers,suella braverman law,suella braverman rwanda,bibby stockholm floating grenfell,sarah dines,keir starmer

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