"EznixOS-12", a top Debian re-spin from a master developer...

1 year ago

'Eznix' is one of two solo developers whose output in my view exceeds that from larger multi-person teams, bar only one or two very esteemed distributions.
His direct support for anyone choosing to use his products - Archlinux ('EzarcherOS') or Debian ('EznixOS') - is difficult to match. Information is supplied integrated to the downloaded 'iso', and further online support is provided at SourceForge and OSDN, as well as his YouTube channel.
As his spins are largely 'vanilla' in make-up, but with additional tools he provides, the 'pukka' distributions he utilises themselves have very good support from source.
VERY well recommended, a must to try if you haven't already.
'Eznix' spins can be downloaded at https://sourceforge.net/projects/eznixos/ and https://osdn.net/projects/eznix-os/ .
Be safe...

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