洪水: 你想知道中共有多邪惡嗎? 唆一口!/Floods: do you wanna know how evil the CCP is? Take a sip!

1 year ago

08/03/2023 羅伊作客Wayne Dupree Podcast節目:近期北京的洪水災害很恐怖。 兩年前在鄭州發生過類似的事件,中共官方給的死亡人數是380人,但實際上有10萬人喪生。 中共夜間打開閘門洩洪,不事先通知下游村莊。 中共不在乎老百姓的生命安全。

08/03/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The recent flooding in Beijing is horrible. A similar incident occurred two years ago in Zhengzhou, where the official death toll given by the CCP was 380, but 100,000 people actually lost their lives. The CCP opened the floodgates at night without prior notification to the downstream villages, showing no concern for the lives and safety of deplorables.

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