ROK Army Korean War Veteran, Mr. Jaesung Jo Broll

1 year ago

Credit: Songho Yun | Date Taken: 06/21/2023
Nonsan, South Korea (20 June 2023) - Soldiers and family members from Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division/RUCD visited a farm in Nonsan, South Korea where they had an opportunity to display the meaning of selfless service by assisting a local ROK Army Korean War Veteran, Mr. Jaesung Jo, age 93, doing work around his farm and assisting with a small building project. The mayor of Nonsan, the honorable Mr. Baek Sung-hyeon also met with the soldiers from HHBN, thanking them for their service in the Republic of Korea and expressed his gratitude for their volunteerism. After working around the farm, the soldiers met with the mayor and enjoyed a traditional Korean lunch while also learning about the Korean War.

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