Gōchin - Imperial Japanese Navy march

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

This was a somewhat popular song among the Japanese Indian ocean fleet during world war 2, and it was a pain in the ass to translate because they are speaking in a very rhetorical way.

Kawaii gyorai to issho ni tsunda
aoi banana mo kiiroku ureta
otoko setai wa kimamana mono yo
hige mo haemasu
hige mo haemasu bushōhige

shinro nishi e to nami mata nami no
shibuki (shibuki) kibishī mihari wa tsudzuku
hatsu no emono ni nanji no hi aeru
kyō mo kureru ka kyō mo kureru ka udeganaru

gōchin gōchin gaika ga agarya
tsumoru kurō mo kurō nya naranu
ureshinamida ni senbōkyō mo
kumoru yūhi no, kumoru yūhi no Indoyō

noboru Asahi ni jūji no hoshi ni
omoi harukana midori no kichi yo
tomo mo egao de mattete kureru furusato
kuni no tayori mo furusato... kuni no tayori mo matte iru

I wanna point out that kawaii in Japanese means both cute and precious, is not an anime-only word, brave Japanese sailors used it too

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