Knock Out Punch Prophecy

1 year ago

In the Name of JESUS YAHUSHUA I call down and cancel the power of the Global Elites and all demonic power to:
1. Release any new viruses
2. To poison the food, the airways and the water.
3. To geo-engineer the weather with hurricanes, storms, drought, fires, earthquakes or volcanoes.
4. To control the world finances.
5. To persecute and kill the Christians.
6. To release dirty bombs, nuclear bombs, missiles, submarine attacks, or EMP attacks.
7. To usher in the One world order
8. To operate sex trafficking rings
9. To start wars.
10.To cause food and fuel shortages and famine.

In the Name of YAHUSHUA I declare that:
1. The One world order has fallen.
2. The Federal Reserve and IRS have fallen.
3. All the illegitimate governments have fallen.
4. The woke agenda has fallen
5. The gender change of children has fallen.
6. Sex trafficking has fallen.
7. The trans movement has fallen.
8. The Global Elites have fallen.
9. The Bank of International Settlement in Switzerland has fallen.
10.The wicked have fallen and have been stripped of their wealth.

In the Name of YAHUSHUA I declare
1. The USA will rise up like an eagle and be prosperous and take her place in spreading the Gospel worldwide with signs, wonders and miracles.
2. There will be great transference of wealth from the wicked to the righteous.
3. All the charges and indictments against President Donald Trump will not stick and be like water off a duck's back.
4. President Donald J Trump will win the 2024 Election

8. To operate sex trafficking rings
9. To start wars.
10.To cause food and fuel shortages and famine.

In the Name of YAHUSHUA I declare that:
1. The One world order has fallen.
2. The Federal Reserve and IRS have fallen.
3. All the illegitimate governments have fallen.
4. The woke agenda has fallen
5. The gender change of children has fallen.
6. Sex trafficking has fallen.
7. The trans movement has fallen.
8. The Global Elites have fallen.
9. The Bank of International Settlement in Switzerland has fallen.
10.The wicked have fallen and have been stripped of their wealth.

In the Name of YAHUSHUA I declare
1. The USA will rise up like an eagle and be prosperous and take her place in spreading the Gospel worldwide with signs, wonders and miracles.
2. There will be great transference of wealth from the wicked to the righteous.
3. All the charges and indictments against President Donald Trump will not stick and be like water off a duck's back.
4. President Donald J Trump will win the 2024 Election

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