Australian Pfizer Employees Under Question! What is Doublespeak, NewSpeak and NPM Speak?

1 year ago

Australian Pfizer Employees Under Question! What is Doublespeak, NewSpeak and NPM Speak?

What is Doublespeak, NewSpeak and New Public Management (NPM) Speak? - links below!

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts 'can't' get a straight answer from these snakes.

Senator Malcolm Roberts: Watch as I question Pfizer representatives in this Senate Hearing.

The company was very reluctant to attend the committee hearing and also reluctant to supply a straight answer, automatically falling back on their 'safe and effective' mantra to dodge answering the question.

Already, this Senate Hearing revealed that Pfizer is rewriting history on transmission of infection.

We're supposed to conveniently forget they said "get it to protect others, to save grandma" and "when you're vaccinated the virus stops with you".

They're hiding behind their indemnity contract with our government and dodging responsibility.

ATAGI and the Australian governments must stop pushing these unsafe and ineffective shots and drop the destructive mandates now.

Malcolm Roberts
32K subscribers
148,769 views Aug 4, 2023
And the 'rhetoric' these Sick Pedophile Psychopaths use, has been used for hundreds of years, something I have documented and shared publicly since 2017… It is called:

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]: What is Doublespeak? (NPM- and NewSpeak) 29.11.2020

George Carlin (RIP): Brain Droppings Doublespeak NewSpeak New Public Management Speak! (5/13/1999)

Max Igan: The Power of Words (DoubleSpeak, NewSpeak, New Public Management Speak) [31.12.2021]

Dr. David Martin: What is Doublespeak (NPM- and NewSpeak)? [12.02.2022]

The Satanic LGBTQIA+ Psychopath Kamala Gibberish is Intensified! = DOUBLESPEAK! [13.07.2022]

What is Doublespeak, NPM- and NewSpeak? [14.10.2022]

Satanisten Sundheds- og Ældreministeren Magnus Heunicke med sit Djøf- og DoubleSpeak [29.04.2021]
The Beautiful Now
1491 subscribers

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