What I Did To Lose Weight & Get Fit + How To Stay In Shape For Good: 15 Tips

1 year ago

15 Weight Loss Questions to Ask Yourself:
(Count up the Yes's and No's and focus on improving the No's. Aim for 5 or less No's)

1) Am I getting enough quality rest and sleep? (6-8hr at night, relaxing during day)
2) Am I staying truly hydrated? (drinking enough plain water)
3) Am I eating when hungry? (not starving myself or fasting too long)
4) Am I eating whole foods? (avoiding processed, packaged junk foods)
5) Do I have good digestion? (pooping regularly, minimal bloating)
6) Am I supplementing properly? (B12 if vegan, D3, omega 3, etc)
7) Am I moving daily? (getting exercise, sweating, elevating heart rate)
8) Am I living a low stress lifestyle? (practicing ways to manage mental health)
9) Does my clothing fit properly? (not restrictive or too tight)
10) Do I have good posture? (core tight, upright, not slouching)
11) Am I generally in a good mood? (minimal mood swings, grumpy, foggy)
12) Are my personal care and household products low-tox/clean? (fragrance-free, etc)
13) Am I calorie conscious? (educated on caloric density of foods I eat)
14) Am I giving it my absolute best? (truly practicing discipline, self-control, commitment)
15) Could I practice a bit more self-love and self-acceptance? (be ok where I'm currently at, even if I haven't reached my ultimate goals)

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