Dr. Bob Gill - "The Great NHS Heist"

1 year ago

Aug 06, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v355q7y-dr-bob-gill-talks-to-me-about-the-great-nhs-heist.html

Dr Bob Gill NHS GP of 22 years, activist and producer of “The Great NHS Heist”. The movie was made at great personal expense in time and money, crowd funding £40000 and self paying an additional £20000.

Bob is passionate about the NHS and universal publicly provided and available healthcare.

Bob is also critical of the direction the NHS has been travelling over the last few decades, with mismanagement, waste, corruption and destruction of the doctor patient relationship.

Bob highlights the increasing control of Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex on the NHS and the failure (collusion) of health institutions to safeguard patients.

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