Arcturian Alignment - Realms of Light -

1 year ago

Arcturian Alignment - Realms of Light - The magnification of our collective will is being accelerated a million times faster into manifestation. This beam of high ultraviolet light will create a new reality for the planet. The Black Alliance is unaware of this powerful beam. When it arrives it will increase the energies to such a high vibration there will be no misdirection and the reality that they have will disintegrate into chaos very quickly.

In awareness of this beam of Ultra-(violet) light being invoked by the Arcturians, humanity needs to steward the energy through the power of one million Wayshowers. These Wayshowers need to have focus and the ability to keep this focus as the energy is included into the third dimension. Clearing blocks and linking with the one million is the crucial play of the game and upon the Arcturian Alignment the beam of Ultraviolet light will integrate the acceleration. Reality is a viewpoint and is dependent upon the perceiver. As a Wayshower you are one who is multi-dimensional and can see and be part of many realities. The outer reality of the physical bodys senses is only a small part of your world. In your new reality of this Great Game of the Gold Ring a Wayshower is one of a spiritual universe which is not physical and exists in the invisible. Your realm as a Wayshower is a Realm of light, the Fifth Dimension. From the Infrared to the Ultraviolet you are connected to the universe of the stars, the Teachers of Light.

Goldring 12B DVD 5 Arcturian Alignment - Realms of Light - The magnification of our collective will is being accelerated a million times faster into manifestation. This beam of high ultraviolet light will create a new reality for the planet. The Black Alliance is unaware of this powerful beam. When it arrives it will increase the energies to such a high vibration there will be no misdirection and the reality that they have will disintegrate into chaos very quickly.

In awareness of this beam of Ultra-(violet) light being invoked by the Arcturians, humanity needs to steward the energy through the power of one million Wayshowers. These Wayshowers need to have focus and the ability to keep this focus as the energy is included into the third dimension. Clearing blocks and linking with the one million is the crucial play of the game and upon the Arcturian Alignment the beam of Ultraviolet light will integrate the acceleration. Reality is a viewpoint and is dependent upon the perceiver. As a Wayshower you are one who is multi-dimensional and can see and be part of many realities. The outer reality of the physical bodys senses is only a small part of your world. In your new reality of this Great Game of the Gold Ring a Wayshower is one of a spiritual universe which is not physical and exists in the invisible. Your realm as a Wayshower is a Realm of light, the Fifth Dimension. From the Infrared to the Ultraviolet you are connected to the universe of the stars, the Teachers of Light.

The Teachers of Light come to open the doorway so that you may begin to experience the Light you have called forth to empower the sons and daughters of the Blue Fire. The Emerald Heart brings together the spiritual blue fire with the golden yellow solar logos of the Third Dimension. You are at the entrance
to the Emerald Heart where acceptance of the Blue Light and the Golden power becomes one in Universal Unconditional Love. Inside the sacred space of the Emerald Heart. The angels awaken your power of clairvoyance and telepathy. The Angels heal and forgive all who come into the sacred space and show the path ahead of the spiritual blue river of heaven to the Violet Temple of Ascension. Gold Ring mental soul source conscious body spirit awareness focus time slow down fast lens surge central strand string space matter light love = Emerald Heart Fires of Initiation gods and goddesses

As in each presentation of the mind that is given impulse by the intention of the emotions, there is fundamental transmission of awakenings.These awakenings are step by step processes that provide for your passage into new alignments within the Order. Many have spoken of these directions and understand them to be part of the process of organizing your spirits into this new fundamental change of paradigms.
Egos that are separated from each other have a tendency to continue to separate, and continue to provide for multiplication of effort, without concentration of desire.

Through the focus of the GoldRing you are here to concentrate desire.
To concentrate and bring together that family of light that you exist within, in order to achieve a Great Work.
The Great Work is not a single architecture, but a complete and over-arching framework of light infrastructure and super-structure that gives to the world the new dispensation and understanding, and intelligence to activate the evolutionary codes of transcendence of the Human Family.
There is knowledge of issues, past, karma, fundamental transitions, transgressions, miss-directions, distractions, confusions and addictions that have kept humanity from awakening to the light, through delay, despair, depression, dispassion and death.
It is through life now that you are coming into your own, to take advantage of the light stream that is been sent to the planetary world that you have physical incarnation on, to establish and bring forth a message.
A message through the media, through being a Teacher, being a Guide, being a Wayshower. Being that which you are, and following this Higher Path as well, and being in your sovereign integrity, to know that the Truth that you speak is one of clarity, knowledge, compassion, virtue and Divine Order.
Often before, you have walked the path alone, where in this process you have failed to feel the unity of the family, the unity of a team, a work-together, so that all are bringing forth their message in clarity and union with others.

It is this necessity to be a replica, to be the shining light in harmony and in replication of each other, so that your work is done quickly, easily and wondrously.

It is said that the Universe loves the energy of expansion and that it moves quickly when division is seen. It moves quickly, like light, to the point where there is dark, and dispels the darkness and awakens those to see, and to see that which is real. And it is in the real that is lodged in the heart, where that feeling of love is to be expressed, to be expressed through creative adventure, and to bring forth a new alignment with your Soul, and through time and space and beyond all that is known Now …

Connect to your higher mind and bring on the multidimensional consciousness. GoldRing - Clearing away the old and finding the new pattern of your life. You are finding they are free and proceed from a different level of knowledge. The present time pattern is bringing forth an evolution of consciousness.

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