Lamb's Ear: A silver-green ground cover plant with plush texture (Stachys byzantina)

1 year ago

Lamb's Ear Stachys byzantina is ideal for zones 4 through 8! This isn't just any plant. It's a game changer. Its silvery, fuzzy leaves add texture and depth to flower beds, creating a captivating contrast with flowers. It's lovely in rock gardens, softening hard, rugged edges with its plush foliage. Its growth? Impressive! Lamb's Ear spreads quickly, making it an ideal ground cover, filling in garden gaps, and weed prevention. It's dreamy in containers. Watch its leaves spill gracefully over the edges, creating a cascading effect. For those designing pathways, line them with Lamb's Ear. You'll get an inviting, soft-bordered walkway that's a treat to the eyes all season long. Whether you're in the cooler northern states, or the warmer southern regions, it's perfect in garden design. So let Lamb's Ear be the transformative touch your garden has been waiting for!

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