Cain's Blood line, the seed of Satan, the hidden message in scripture

1 year ago

Message hidden within the lineage of Cain, Lucifer has been known by many names throughout history, but many folks still do not recognize this fact. Lucifer is refereed to as god, as an angel of light, as Zeus as Apollo as Beelzebub, as antichrist, as Enki as Baal and probably a thousand other names. You see folks, Satan always tries to confuse people, by giving himself the same name as something or someone else, when it suits him. And you will see this all throughout history. As an example !!! The Apollo moon missions, were named after Lucifer. So now people think that Apollo must be a good name, because the moon missions were a supposed success. Most names our secret world government use for their missions and secret activities, are given name's from scripture. Hm ? Link to the ave383 channel, where the original words and beliefs came from.

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