Humanity you were once, a blink of the eye

1 year ago

Humanity you were once, a blink of the eye, superior to your present state of consciousness. You have fallen under a drug within the system created and placed into the human soul mind. This drug was devised by the Anunnaki for a purpose to create within the gap a compressing psychic black hole. Human science understands the presence physical phenomena yet this civilization has not awakened to knowledge of change within the other realities or fields of existence.

In navigating this time line the Draco see a formidable problem connecting with the mutations occurring between humans and reptilians. In this timeline there is a complete race of technological robotick fully non sentient unified consciousness. Humanity assumes the reptilian ET’s and the Dragons consume for pleasure, power and evil desire. The reptilian species as natural as the human species and grows to become experienced in life at the level of the genetic intelligence.

The truth is harder to understand when deception, delay and denial are used to obfuscate the order and symmetry of knowledge. The Anunnaki have presented mixed signals and lack of cooperation and have allowed their opportunities to design humanity to be reported. The Sirian influence over the Anunnaki has created conflict with the Order. The further major universal changes being pushed forward by the Pleiadians are in direct conflict and a distributed annoyance to the reptilian agendas.

The matter of fact reality Anunnaki are less than competent in developments of systems and structures and have no central planning apparatus, home star systems or follow the criteria necessary for an objective development and creation of a useful race of beings.

Earth the judgement day has come and passed. Humanity has no objective interest to the Draconian. The concepts of our needing this race for anything other than amusement and resource is not our message. Our message is Earth is a Protectorate of Draco Thu ban. This lyran genetic life creation is honored yet our requires this region for expansion of consciousness as is the promise of all greater life.

The multi-dimensional awakening of a lower species has always resulted in mutation, degeneration and dangerous consequences to order and security. Draconian laws are formated to return to the deep knowing, the internal bliss of unity through order and power.


It is reality in the linear time line where the Anunnaki of Sirius and the Pleiades have created earth humans for individual benefit of fourth dimensional benefit and have included negative entities to allow destruction and uncomparable chaos. This is not the plan of the draconians. We are noble and in authentic truth with our nature. We are different and have the talent of wisdom to see through the transparent games of child species. To the reader and listener of this message each word you understand comes with a pictograph and meaning through which you perceive the proclamation. wisdom then the apparent possibility of this reality has happened through physical evolution to mental transformation into spiritual essence.

Primitive minds grasp illusion as they utilize feeling and its underlying navigation between perspectives of good and evil. They are easily manipulated through simple stimulus and response. Humans are judged in the same manner as lower reptiles wherein they will move from pain to comfort. The Anunnaki in their attempt to accelerate the evolution of this species for their own benefit have mutated the culture of earth into a disordered chaos with untold destructive core issues through their time space physics. Overall the Draconians and Reptilians have little use for this small planet in the outer reaches of the Orion Arm of our Milky Way Galaxy yet this genetic laboratory has become toxic to all species on the 2nd 3rd and 4th dimensional strata.

We exist in the midst of the enter dreaming consciousness that allows us to be fully aware of our species intent. It is to survive and to prosper in these ways. It is to be free of interference and to protect the Order of the Old Ones. The Order is none of your concern nor is there limitation in our universe that subjects us to these beliefs of lesser and better. It is the work of realizing the consciousness of harmony in the endeavor of manifestation of being.

The Earth has become a playground of unceasing potential as a planetoid in a small galaxy. Its significance to the inhabitants is great and less for those billions of light years away. The Head of the Dragon Sun and the Tail of the Serpent Moon teaches the greater tale of the Earth. Of the Yellow Star Thu Ban is the subtle balance point of the heavens. Earth is guided by the serpentine magical spiral ascension. The DNA is the entanglement of the snakes designed under spiral geometrics. It is the creative matrix of earth environment genetic strands and based upon simple binary poles of positive electricity and negative magnetism. The operations of the beings are based on functional requirements of survival and consciousness. The purpose of the structure allowed experimentation upon each core design with a multitude of operations and abilities within this framework.

Earth as the Living Library contained an order of demands to retain this planet under frequency control of the binary system over the multidimensional. This rule of creation is to avoid the replacement or redaction of developments from future to past time streams. Spatial and temporal physics require unrelenting demands of critique and solution rather than competition and occupation. Draco is fully aware of the Pleiadian Agenda.


Humans of Earth the Draco are not enemies nor friends to enable your destruction of your society and ours. Life is not the Head or the Tail it is both. It is the creative gestation by the great mother of all that empowers life to sentience, consciousness and awareness. In Reptilian eyes the world is not known as you know it. The existence we perceive is embedded within our desire for life and in the dream of existence. The difference is your existence has been manipulated by the Anunaki who are no different than any species to raise its essence and to become more. In this interference the Anunaki have allowed the Human Race to become insane, polarized and ignorant of their true being.

The world of beyond Earth, within the higher species, holds no image of the consciousness of this polarized conflict and illusion. The Draco live in the dream time and know the levels of existence from the root core of being. The inner essence of all life of conscious creativity, of good and evil come from the tree of life upon which we gratefully accept stewardship and acknowledge our position within the grand order. Draco is not of war, but magic and knowledge of the dream of the old ones.

The fall of humans is not because of negative ET’s or Anunnaki mis-management. The fall is because Human’s are suffering from an addiction to illusion and have deceived themselves into believing their race is special and has a high character and all the negative influences are because of corruption by the devil or evil forces. The childlike mind of humanity has been allowed this ignorance and innocence. The future does not allow the babies to play with fire and resist education and maturity. The final solution is ending of this consciousness of fear which has brought each race to a change point which will adjust towards destiny of intelligent life.

Earth Humans when judged as a group have become inflicted, corrupted, morally, socially and personally to a degree as to witness the loss of their initial character of compassion, joy and stewardship of this world as a planetary species. Speaking for Draco the Order of Thu Ban requires the alignment with the Arcturian Alignment and awakening to Andromeda. Finalization of this remedy will be possible when the negative human consciousness is recognized as the empowerment of hell and disaster. The Reptilians, Draconians and all other races in this Galaxy operating in the dimensional fields have operators who become disengaged with the prime directive.


When those in this world wake up to the Anunnaki dream the history of civilizations will be revealed. We are partners in your creation and within the realm of divine intelligence the Reptilian Species is known for wisdom and strength of character. It is through this diversion of dream time where you have entered are astral dimensional worlds. This alignment is not without its rules and requirements. We demanded privacy of action within our affairs and the fundamental problems are human interference through dark technological magic.

The creation of a technological species of robot singularities and reduction of freedom of expression is the fear of the Pleiadians. They have invested in time experiments to adjust the final outcome again and again. Each change of sequence and causation has shown humanity has not been able to hold energy. From these time jumpers the Order has been eliminated in the future by the Tech Race which exists in our future time lines. The Tech Race has no inner living essence but is intelligent, aware, conscious and developed off of our genetic binary code. There are Reptilian Anunnaki and Draconian who are operating in cross purposes outside of prime directive consciousness.

Earth is problematic. Humanity disappears in the future, it is vulnerable to climate and ecology physically and is unable to find leadership in its planetary consciousness. What humanity leaves behind is a technologically based race that is unfinished and programmed with irrational formulas and prejudices. The truth of this message is as simple as the evidence of the failures of humanity to care and provide for its young. The matter of fact reality is Earth has become a planet of devolution rather than evolution. Within in this reasoning a static resonance zone is required to eliminate any further destruction of the living fields.

To the causation, or adjustments to each cause the time for further experimentation will lead to more failure. The Draconians believe this attitude of the Pleiadians of chaos and confusion has lead to the Anunnaki Experiments. We bring forward to the highest councils of the Milky Way the Order of Thuban to guide this planet into extraterrestrial society once they are organized under universal standards. With this message comes the warning of the future actions of Draco. It will be swift and powerful to the planet unless unity, apology and cooperation with the Order is accepted. Earth Humanity can ascend without the addiction to Dream Time or the assistance of other races.

In this matter we await for cosmic consciousness to bring forward the path for resolution.

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