The Charge Will Be Mass Negligent Murder

1 year ago

This is a good compilation of evidence against [one of] the globalists who used Covid to reign tyranny down on the world in the name of the new global religion: vaccination, which can only ever be "safe and effective" and cannot possibly ever cause harm.

Except for the cardiovascular damage, immune system damage, neurological damage, haematological damage and associated injury, disability and death that has occurred en masse in the past 2.5 years. But that was "for the greater good" apparently and those maimed and killed labelled "collateral damage".

Meanwhile the infection fatality rate for the illness that the vaccines do not prevent and for which those who are boosted now represent the highest rate of covid-related deaths across vaccinated populations, is as follows:
0-19yo - 0.0003%
20-29yo - 0.002%
30-39yo - 0.011%
40-49yo - 0.035%
50-59yo - 0.123%
60-69yo - 0.506%
94% of the global population is younger than 70 years of age and 86% is younger than 60 years of age.
Reference: (January 2023).

The infection fatality rate for those over 70yo is:
(non-institutionalised) 2.4% vs (institutionalised) 5.5%
Reference: (July 2021).

Many elderly deaths are at least partly explained by:
- the removal of standard antibiotic treatment for secondary bacterial pneumonia, the main cause of serious illness and death in viral respiratory infections;
- denial of other early treatments and preventatives eg vitamin D and ivermectin;
- use of end-of-life care pathways (eg midazolam and morphine);
- harmful treatments such as mechanical ventilation and remdesivir.
All of which were promoted through guidelines originating from advice out of the World Health Organization (WHO).

International legal frameworks are being put in place at WHO now, to ensure that they have full control during all subsequent 'pandemics' and 'threats of pandemics'. A massive surveillance architecture is being established for this purpose, so that viruses we've never looked for before, will now be 'discovered' and cause 'pandemic threats'.

Governments will be required to follow WHO diktats regarding surveillance, monitoring, reporting and responding. This will involve mandates for testing, quarantining, contact tracing, monitoring movements and behaviours (eg mask wearing, social distancing and other rules), treating and vaccinating, perfectly healthy citizens. Unless there is mass refusal and dissent. Censorship laws are being established across the globe in an attempt to prevent dissent.

So why did Bill Gates demand that the entire world "lockdown"? Is it mere coincidence that lockdown resulted in the wealth of billionaires such as himself, soaring at the same time that everyone else became poorer? The enriched and empowered globalists plan to "fix" that by increasing taxes on the masses.


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